Forgiving people who have hurt you is your gift to them. Forgetting people who have hurt you is your gift to YOU !!

At times, it happens in your life, when so called “acquaintanceship” around you starts holding  your course of thinking, acting and your mood just like anything else. Well, in that situation normally there are two ways-

1. Forgive the person for his/her deeds that hurted you, it will be a Gift to them.

2. Forget the person itself, take him for granted without allowing him to take a stand on your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs about “Human Being”, that way you will gift you the most peaceful moment of your life, shedding those extra “dried leaves” from the tree which will shed definitely at the end.

So, what your Justice this time, lets rethink for a while and let the flow through the way you want rather the way ‘Situations’ want to take a ride on you.

We feel so much better actually really better when our frame of mind is positive. Negativity is an energy zapper and has no place in our lives.

Has it ever happened to you that instead of making some real efforts to kick Pessimistic thoughts out of your mind, you get another set of similar thoughts in your mind. Situation starts taking an awesome ride on you???!!

Well, its quite possible the way you think is the best solution to get out of your problems but actually there is always some more in this world.

Always  remember- “There is always a SILVER LINING in the dark clouds”.

I do not want to throw light on the life we have spent so far, but want to make a conscious effort to invite positive thoughts to creep in where negative thoughts dominates. I do not want to teach anybody how not to think positive because i also might even do not know that but yes I can make a lovely efforts to shed that overwhelmed heart quite a lot to take a read of peace, a read of share, a read of friendship Benison,  a read for FEEL GOOD, a read of drenching your Heart out and a complete read of serving you to let you share those beautiful, original, unique thoughts that actually JUST and JUST belongs to you.

Even after a thousand failed attempts, Success is possible. 
In fact, each disappointing result brings you closer to the 
result you intend to achieve. 

  • Right now, you can choose to learn from what has been, and to use that knowledge to move forward. You can build on the past achievements and completely leave behind the past disappointments.
  • Don’t let the past become an excuse. Life proceeds forward from this moment, so choose to proceed forward with it. Let go of resentment, regret, anger, envy, blame and disappointment.
  • Focus instead on the extraordinary positive possibilities of now, and on your desire to make your life and your world the best they can be.

Do not forget- >>>> Your Life is your creation !! <<<< 

Is the best way out is always through????? NO, I think -Wildly Struggling Through it !!!!!

Live out Loud ! Good day 🙂

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